
Background Information on Irish Wetlands   

Wetland Surveys Ireland have created this section to provide more information on the variety of Wetlands in Ireland. Here you can will get a general introduction to wetlands, what values wetlands have, how these are being conserved, and more detailed information on peatlands and bogs; fens; swamps and marsh. 

Map of Irish Wetlands

In an attempt to provide information on the location and characteristics of wetland sites throughout Ireland we are have developed an interactive online ‘Map of Irish Wetlands’. This project is being developed jointly by Foss Environmental Consulting and Wetland Surveys Ireland. It is the first time that information on Irish wetlands, originating from a wide variety of sources, will be shown on one map and made freely available to those with an interest in Irish wetlands. To navigate to the map, and see the wetlands in your area follow the Wetland Map of Ireland link or cick on the image below. 

Want to visit an Irish wetland?


We have created an exciting on-line story map ‘Wetlands to visit around Ireland' to help you find some great wetland sites to visit and explore around the country.

The story map brings you on an informative tour of 40 wetlands around Ireland where you can learn more about these fascinating habitats. The story map includes map location information, a brief summary of what you can discover at the sites, a summary of facilities at each location, and a link to further information from the groups that manage the reserves, opening times and much more. These wetlands represent the different types that occur in Ireland and all have fantastic facilities to cater for visitors. The groups that manage these wonderful places have invested in making the sites open to the public and allow people to learn more about these fascinating places.

So if you would like to explore one of the wetlands, all you have to do to access the story map is to use this link or scan the QR code which will launch the story map on your smartphone, tablet or pc.

QR Wetland Story map code
 © Website design Peter Foss 2012